About our cake baking recipes website

Jon The Baker has spent many years glued to the TV watching cooking shows and learning from the professionals. He loves making cakes, baking bagels and delicious loaves of bread, but is even more passionate about seeing them made. Take for example the hugely popular hummingbird bakery carrot cake article.

This site brings together videos and recipes showing some of the best cake baking ideas and recipes. One day this website will have a smell setting and you will be able to share the sensory delights of these cooking experiences. Pull up a bowl, weigh yourself some flour, add in some eggs and get baking!

The images used on this site were purchased from Shutterstock and Etsy, licensed under Commercial Commons from Flickr or accessed through Unsplash. Image attribution is given where required, all other images are copyright of this website. We let DJA Online Services do all the hard work of putting the site together using their amazing WordPress skills.

Video content is used under YouTube’s Standard licence. If your video has been embedded on a website in error please check your YouTube settings. Please notify us of any video displayed which infringes any copyright and it will be removed immediately. You should first however seek to have the video removed from YouTube’s servers. We are a friendly batch of creators so a simple email to support@cakebakerecipes.com should suffice.

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